


2009.08.26 00:00

kaiserhan 조회 수:44338


달력을 그리고 그 안에 데이타를 채우는 CLASS




'* PROJECT : UCCalendar

'* PATH : /

'* FILE : UCCalendar.asp


'* DATE : 2006-09-15

'* DESCRIPTION : 달력그리기








'// Class



Class UCCalendar


Private m_arCal '달력배열

Private m_arData '해당 날짜의 데이타 배열

Private m_arHolidays '국경일 배열

Private m_cur_date '원하는 날짜

Private m_cal_header 'calendar header 요일태그 포함.

Private m_cal_bottom 'calendar bottom

Private m_week_header 'week html header

Private m_week_bottom 'week html bottom

Private m_normal_html '보통일 html

Private m_saturday_html '토요일 html

Private m_sunday_html '일요일 html

Private m_curday_html '오늘 html

Private m_blank_html '빈칸 html

Private m_holiday_html '공휴일 html

Private m_start_num '월1일의 배열 위치

Private m_week_cnt '해당 월의 주 수

Private m_days_cnt '해당 월의 일 수

Private m_IsViewHoliday '공휴일 표시여부 True/False


Public Property Get cur_date

cur_date = m_cur_date

End Property

Public Property Let cur_date(ByVal pVal)

If IsDate(pVal) then

m_cur_date = pVal


m_cur_date = Date

End If 


End Property

Public Property Let cal_header(ByVal pVal)

m_cal_header = pVal

End Property

Public Property Let cal_bottom(ByVal pVal)

m_cal_bottom = pVal

End Property

Public Property Let week_header(ByVal pVal)

m_week_header = pVal

End Property

Public Property Let week_bottom(ByVal pVal)

m_week_bottom = pVal

End Property

Public Property Let normal_html(ByVal pVal)

m_normal_html = pVal

End Property

Public Property Let saturday_html(ByVal pVal)

m_saturday_html = pVal

End Property

Public Property Let sunday_html(ByVal pVal)

m_sunday_html = pVal

End Property

Public Property Let curday_html(ByVal pVal)

m_curday_html = pVal

End Property

Public Property Let blank_html(ByVal pVal)

m_blank_html = pVal

End Property

Public Property Let holiday_html(ByVal pVal)

m_holiday_html = pVal

End Property

Public Property Let IsViewHoliday(ByVal pVal)

m_IsViewHoliday = pVal

End Property


Private Sub Class_Initialize

'Html 기본값

m_cal_header = "<table border=""1""><tr align=""center""><td>일</td><td>월</td><td>화</td><td>수</td><td>목</td><td>금</td><td>토</td></tr>"

m_cal_bottom = "</table>"

m_week_header = "<tr>"

m_week_bottom = "</tr>"

'//일이 들어갈 곳에 "{{DAY}}"를 삽입

'//내용이 들어갈 곳에 "{{CONTENT}}"를 삽입

m_normal_html = "<td>{{DAY}}&nbsp;{{CONTENT}}</td>"

m_saturday_html = "<td><font color='blue'>{{DAY}}</font>&nbsp;{{CONTENT}}</td>"

m_sunday_html = "<td><font color='red'>{{DAY}}</font>&nbsp;{{CONTENT}}</td>"

m_curday_html = "<td><font color='green'><b>{{DAY}}</b></font>&nbsp;{{CONTENT}}</td>"

m_blank_html = "<td>&nbsp;</td>"

m_holiday_html = "<td><font color='red'>{{DAY}}</font>&nbsp;{{CONTENT}}</td>"

'//공휴일 초기화

ReDim m_arHolidays(2, 7)

m_arHolidays(0, 0)="1-1" : m_arHolidays(1, 0)="신정"

m_arHolidays(0, 1)="3-1" : m_arHolidays(1, 1)="3.1절"

m_arHolidays(0, 2)="4-5" : m_arHolidays(1, 2)="식목일"

m_arHolidays(0, 3)="5-5" : m_arHolidays(1, 3)="어린이날"

m_arHolidays(0, 4)="6-6" : m_arHolidays(1, 4)="현충일"

m_arHolidays(0, 5)="8-15" : m_arHolidays(1, 5)="광복절"

m_arHolidays(0, 6)="10-1" : m_arHolidays(1, 6)="개천절"

m_arHolidays(0, 7)="12-25" : m_arHolidays(1, 7)="성탄절"

m_IsViewHoliday = False 

'날짜 오늘을 기본으로 처리

m_cur_date = Date

'오늘 날짜를 기준으로 배열 Redim


End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate

m_arCal = Empty

m_arData = Empty 

End Sub


'yr년 mnth월이 일수 계산

dim temp,leap,noDays

Private Function GetLastDay(yr, mnth)

temp = yr mod 4

if temp=0 then

leap = 1


leap = 0

end if


select case mnth

case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12

noDays = 31

case else

if mnth=2 then

noDays = 28 + leap


noDays = 30

end if

end select

GetLastDay =  noDays

End Function


'm_cur_date의 달의 주수를 계산 html, data 배열 재선언

dim  week_cnt

Private Function SetArray()

m_start_num = Weekday(Year(m_cur_date)&"-"&month(m_cur_date)&"-1")-1

m_days_cnt = GetLastDay(Year(m_cur_date), Month(m_cur_date))

week_cnt = 5

Select Case m_start_num+1

Case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 : m_week_cnt = 5 '월, 화, 수, 목

Case 6

If m_days_cnt>30 Then

m_week_cnt = 6


m_week_cnt = 5

End If 

Case 7

If m_days_cnt>29 Then

m_week_cnt = 6


m_week_cnt = 5

End If 

End select

ReDim m_arCal(6, m_week_cnt-1)

ReDim m_arData(6,  m_week_cnt-1)

End Function 


'html 과 data배열 값을 이용 html배열에 값을 채움.

Public Function InitArray()

dim i,iday,k,j

'첫째줄 첫칸부터 1일 전까지 빈칸

For i = 0 To m_start_num - 1

m_arCal(i, 0) = SetHtml("", "&nbsp;")


'첫째줄 1일부터 토요일까지

iday = 1

For i = m_start_num To 6

m_arCal(i, 0) = SetHtml(Year(m_cur_date)&"-"&month(m_cur_date)&"-"&iday , m_arData(i, 0))

iday = iday + 1


'둘째줄 월요일부터 그달 마지막 날까지

For k = 1 To m_week_cnt-1


While j<7 And iday<=m_days_cnt

m_arCal(j, k) = SetHtml(Year(m_cur_date)&"-"&month(m_cur_date)&"-"&iday, m_arData(j, k))

j = j + 1

iday = iday + 1


If iday>m_days_cnt Then Exit For End If 


'그 달 마지막날 다음날부터 그 줄 끝까지 빈칸

For k = k To m_week_cnt-1

j = j

While j<7

m_arCal(j, k) = SetHtml("", "&nbsp;")

j = j + 1



End Function 


'pDate특성에 맞는 html에 pVal값을 넣어서 돌려줌.

Private Function SetHtml(pDate, pVal)

Dim retval,hcnt,cur_html

retval = ""

Dim str_day

If IsDate(pDate) Then

str_day = Day(pDate)


str_day = ""

End If

Dim IsHoliday, strHoliNm

IsHoliday = False 

strHoliNm = ""

If IsDate(pDate) then

For hcnt = 0 To UBound(m_arHolidays, 2)

If DateDiff("d", pDate, Year(pDate)&"-"&m_arHolidays(0, hcnt))=0 Then

IsHoliday = True 

strHoliNm = m_arHolidays(1, hcnt)

End If 


End If 

If IsDate(pDate) then

If DateDiff("d", pDate, Date)=0 Then


ElseIf IsHoliday And m_IsViewHoliday Then


pVal = strHoliNm & " " & pVal


Select Case Weekday(pDate)

Case 1 : cur_html=m_sunday_html

Case 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 : cur_html=m_normal_html

Case 7 : cur_html=m_saturday_html

End Select

End If

retval = Replace(cur_html, "{{DAY}}", str_day)


retval = Replace(m_blank_html, "{{DAY}}", "")

End If

retval = Replace(retval, "{{CONTENT}}", pVal)

SetHtml = retval

End Function 


'data배열에 pData위치에 pVal값을 입력

Public Function SetDataDay(pDate, pVal)

'response.write pDate & "--<br  />"

Dim retval, strHtml,day_order,cur_row,cur_col

retval = True 

day_order = m_start_num + Day(pDate)

cur_row = (day_order-1)\ 7

cur_col = Weekday(pDate)-1

m_arData(cur_col, cur_row) = m_arData(cur_col, cur_row) & "<br  />" & pVal

SetDataDay = retval

End Function 


'html배열의 값을 보여줌.

dim i,j

Public Function DrawCalendar()


response.write m_cal_header & vbCrLf

For i = 0 To UBound(m_arCal, 2)

response.write m_week_header & vbCrLf

For j = 0 To 6

response.write m_arCal(j, i) & vbCrLf


response.write m_week_bottom & vbCrLf


response.write m_cal_bottom & vbCrLf

End Function 

End Class 






'// Sample




Sub DrawDefault

Set cal = new UCCalendar

response.write cal.cur_date & "<br  />"

cal.SetDataDay cal.cur_date, "내용"

cal.SetDataDay DateAdd("d", 5, cal.cur_date), "<br  />내용"


End Sub 


Sub DrawType1

Set cal = new UCCalendar

with cal

.cur_date = "1945-8-15"

.cal_header = "<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3"" cellspacing=""1"" bgcolor=""#999999""><tr align=""center"" bgcolor=""#FFFCCE""><td>일</td><td>월</td><td>화</td><td>수</td><td>목</td><td>금</td><td>토</td></tr>"

.cal_bottom = "</table>"

.week_header = "<tr>"

.week_bottom = "</tr>"

'//일이 들어갈 곳에 "{{DAY}}"를 삽입

'//내용이 들어갈 곳에 "{{CONTENT}}"를 삽입

.normal_html = "<td width=""80"" height=""80"" valign=""top"" bgcolor=""#FFFFFF""><font color=""#333333"" size=""2"">{{DAY}}&nbsp;{{CONTENT}}</font></td>"

.saturday_html = "<td width=""80"" height=""80"" valign=""top"" bgcolor=""#E7F1FE""><font color=""blue"" size=""2"">{{DAY}}</font>&nbsp;<font color=""#333333"" size=""2"">{{CONTENT}}</font></td>"

.sunday_html = "<td width=""80"" height=""80"" valign=""top"" bgcolor=""#FEE9E7""><font color=""red"" size=""2"">{{DAY}}</font>&nbsp;<font color=""#333333"" size=""2"">{{CONTENT}}</font></td>"

.curday_html = "<td width=""80"" height=""80"" valign=""top"" bgcolor=""#D5E6AE""><font color=""#336600"" size=""3""><b>{{DAY}}</b></font>&nbsp;<font color=""#333333"" size=""2"">{{CONTENT}}</font></td>"

.blank_html = "<td width=""80"" height=""80"" valign=""top"" bgcolor=""#EEEEEE""><font color=""#333333"" size=""2"">{{DAY}}&nbsp;{{CONTENT}}</font></td>"

.SetDataDay DateAdd("d", 0, .cur_date), "<br  />내용"

.SetDataDay DateAdd("d", -1, .cur_date), "<br  />내용"

.SetDataDay DateAdd("d", 5, .cur_date), "<br  />내용"

response.write .cur_date & "<br  />"


End with

End Sub 


Sub DrawType2

Set cal = new UCCalendar

with cal

.cur_date = "1945-4-14"

str_cal_header = "<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#E4E4E4">"

str_cal_header = str_cal_header & "<tr align=""center"" bgcolor=""#FFFCCE"">"

str_cal_header = str_cal_header & "<td width="14%" height="30" bgcolor="#F1F1F1" align="center"><b><font size="2" color="red">일</font></b></td>"

str_cal_header = str_cal_header & "<td width="14%" bgcolor="#F1F1F1" align="center"><b><font size="2">월</font></b></td>"

str_cal_header = str_cal_header & "<td width="14%" bgcolor="#F1F1F1" align="center"><b><font size="2">화</font></b></td>"

str_cal_header = str_cal_header & "<td width="14%" bgcolor="#F1F1F1" align="center"><b><font size="2">수</font></b></td>"

str_cal_header = str_cal_header & "<td width="14%" bgcolor="#F1F1F1" align="center"><b><font size="2">목</font></b></td>"

str_cal_header = str_cal_header & "<td width="14%" bgcolor="#F1F1F1" align="center"><b><font size="2">금</font></b></td>"

str_cal_header = str_cal_header & "<td width="14%" bgcolor="#F1F1F1" align="center"><b><font size="2" color="blue">토</font></b></td></tr>"

.cal_header = str_cal_header

.cal_bottom = "</table>"

.week_header = "<tr>"

.week_bottom = "</tr>"

'//일이 들어갈 곳에 "{{DAY}}"를 삽입

'//내용이 들어갈 곳에 "{{CONTENT}}"를 삽입

.normal_html = "<td width=""80"" height=""80"" valign=""top"" bgcolor=""#FFFFFF""><font color=""#000000"" size=""2"">{{DAY}}&nbsp;{{CONTENT}}</font></td>"

.saturday_html = "<td width=""80"" height=""80"" valign=""top"" bgcolor=""#F3F6FF""><font color=""blue"" size=""2"">{{DAY}}</font>&nbsp;<font color=""#333333"" size=""2"">{{CONTENT}}</font></td>"

.sunday_html = "<td width=""80"" height=""80"" valign=""top"" bgcolor=""#FFF6F8""><font color=""red"" size=""2"">{{DAY}}</font>&nbsp;<font color=""#333333"" size=""2"">{{CONTENT}}</font></td>"

.curday_html = "<td width=""80"" height=""80"" valign=""top"" bgcolor=""#FFFFFF"" style='border-width:1px; border-color:rgb(255,153,51); border-style:solid;'><font color=""#336600"" size=""3""><b>{{DAY}}</b></font>&nbsp;<font color=""#333333"" size=""2"">{{CONTENT}}</font></td>"

.blank_html = "<td width=""80"" height=""80"" valign=""top"" bgcolor=""#FFFFFF""></td>"

.holiday_html = "<td width=""80"" height=""80"" valign=""top"" bgcolor=""#FFF6F8""><font color=""red"" size=""2"">{{DAY}}</font>&nbsp;<font color=""#333333"" size=""2"">{{CONTENT}}</font></td>"

.SetDataDay DateAdd("d", 0, .cur_date), "<br  />내용"

.SetDataDay "1945-08-5", "<br  />내용"

.SetDataDay DateAdd("d", 5, .cur_date), "내용"

.SetDataDay DateAdd("d", 5, .cur_date), "내용2"

.IsViewHoliday = True 

response.write .cur_date & "<br  />"


End with

End Sub 


'Call DrawDefault

'Call DrawType1

'Call DrawType2

